# Getting started

  • Before we start

    For further steps and use of our SDK, you will need to have already created an app. You also have to: generate Mobile SDK Authentication token and Firebase Cloud Messaging key. Here are the instructions how can you do it:

  • Get your SDK API Key
    Before you can start using Mobile SDK, you have to generate mobile SDK authorization token in User.com application’s settings. You can do it under the following URL: https://<your\_app\_subdomain>.user.com/api/application\_key/sdk-credentials/

    Remember that a correct SDK API key is always 64 characters long.

  • Get your Firebase Cloud Messagin Key
    To be able to send Push Notifications, you should generate Firebase Cloud Messaging Key and paste it in User.com web panel, under the following url:


    The following key can be generated in Google Firebase Console after creating a new project in https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/?pli=1 (opens new window) . Remember that you can save only key with 174 characters (Main condition of a valid key).

  • Getting help

    Please take the time to look through available documentation. If you find yourself stuck along the way or would like to give us your feedback, feel free to message us.

  • Sample project

    To help you with potential integration issues you can download our sample projects showcasing our SDK integration:

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