# Deal model

Deals are entities for keeping track of your sales. You can manage them through API.

# Properties

Attributes Type Description
id integer A unique identifier for the deal which is given by User.com automatically.
custom_id string A unique identifier for the deal which is provided by the client.
activities_status string A status of an activity assigned to the user.
assigned_to integer A unique identifier for the agent which is given by User.com automatically.
company_id integer A unique identifier for the company which is given by User.com automatically.
created_at datetime A creation date of a deal.
currency ISO 4217 code A currency of a deal.
expected_close_date date A date when the deal is expected to be closed.
loss_reason integer A reason for a lost deal.
lost_at datetime A date when the deal has been marked as lost.
name string A deal name.
participants integer(list) A list of user_ids assigned to a deal.
pipeline integer An id of a pipeline where the deal is assigned to.
products integer(list) A list of products' ids.
stage integer An id of a stage of the pipeline the deal is currently at.
status integer A status of your deal (0 - abandoned, 1 - in progress, 2 - won, 3 - lost, 4 - archived)
tags string A list of tags.
updated_at datetime A date of last deal update.
user_id integer A unique identifier for the user which is given by User.com automatically.
value number A value of a deal.
won_at datetime A date when the deal has been marked as won.
order_products list A list of basic information per each ordered product which is provided by the client.
Those information have to contain:
        - product_id (integer) OR product_custom_id (string)
        - quantity (integer)
        - value (integer)
        - currency (string)