# Get single landing page

You can return details about the specific ladnig page.

To access a single ladnig page you need a 6 character ID, that can be found when listing all ladnig pages.

GET /landing-page/:id/

# Request

  • CURL
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Python
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Token <your_64_char_api_key>"
-H "Accept: */*; version=2"

# Response

{'id': 'qjnvmw',
 'description': None,
 'name': 'landing 2',
 'total_views': 0,
 'total_conversions': 0,
 'status': 2,
 'category': None,
 'created_at': '2024-09-19T12:42:18.010959Z',
 'published_at': '2024-09-19T12:43:46.146015Z'}