# Webpush message model

You can create a webpush message. These messages will be used in a webpush campaign.

Attributes Type Required Description
title string yes A title of a web push message.
body string yes A content of a web push message.
url string no A URL of a web push message.
require_interaction boolean no A flag defining if a notification should remain active until the user clicks or dismisses it, rather than closing automatically.
action_button1_url string no A URL of a first button.
action_button1_tittle string no A first button name.
action_button2_tittle string no A second button name.
action_button2_url string no A URL of a second button.
icon string no A URL of image inside a web push message.
badge string no A URL of image inside a web push message (known as a Big photo). Only works on Windows.